Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pop of Pink

I don't normally wear black on black but when I do, I wear something brightly colored. My top which I got from Landmark years ago is very convenient. I can wear it on everyday basis or an event. I consider it as my simple LBD. Maybe I can show you how I style this top one of these days. 

 I bought my necklace in Bugis Street, Singapore. I love how vibrant the color scheme is.  

 The animal print on my leggings is not that noticeable from afar. It's shear so I have to wear something long for coverage. I also got this one from Landmark. 

Color Splash from Samsung Note 2
 The moment I saw this Coach bag, I knew I have to get it. It's youthful and sturdy. Oh well, the main factor why I cannot leave this one inside the store is because of it's color, PINK. :)

My shoes look simple in front but notice how fancy the sides are.  This is given to me by my cousins last Christmas. They got it from Zocalo.

*Thanks to my very supportive friends from the office, Lester and Simon who took my pictures. The photos are taken from Lester's Samsung Note 2 and my Blackberry.*

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